TUE (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven)
Expertise and experience
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e) in the Netherlands offers graduate engineering programmes and post-graduate technological design, PhD and teacher training programmes, and post-academic continuing education. The courses are research-driven and design-oriented. Both staff and students have modern information and communication systems at their disposal. TU/e co-ordinates several prominent Dutch research schools and institutes and has a strong position within international research networks. TU/e is a natural partner for technology intensive enterprises. The campus is a fertile breeding ground for new business ventures.
TU/e has been involved since 1992 in the health aspects of energy reduction and indoor air quality, especially concerning allergies and asthma.
Key persons
Prof. Dr. Johanna E.M.H. van Bronswijk is a full professor at the Department of Architecture, Building and Planning and is holding the chair 'Public Health Engineering of the Built Environment'. She has a 30+ years experience in research concerning allergen production, allergen built-up and allergen avoidance in buildings, and about 10 years research on engineering aspects of both allergens and irritants in indoor environments on a European scale. She is one of the founders of the international graduate research school USO-Built.
Dr. Ludovicus G.H. Koren is a professional chemist. He wrote a thesis on mite, fungal and cat allergen avoidance measures and has 10+ years experience in the management of healthy indoor environments. He was engaged in the European project MaNaPi (Managing Natural Pollutants Indoor, EC funded: Agreement no S12.130758 (99CVF2-602)) and is working in the consultancy and research company Allergo-Consult. Furthermore he is involved in the international graduate research school USO-Built, bringing together various disciplines in building. For USO-Built and the European projects MaNaPI and HOPE he will be temporarily employed by the Eindhoven University of Technology.