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Expertise and experience
TNO is a knowledge organisation for companies, government bodies and public organisations with a staff of about 5,500 and a total turnover of more than 360 million EURO a year. TNO is active in five core areas:
- Quality of Life;
- Defence, Security and Safety;
- Science and Industry;
- Environment and Geosciences and Information;
- Communication Technology.
TNO provides contract research and specialist consultancy and grants licences for patents and specialist software. Futhermore, TNO performs tests and certifies products and services, and issues an independent evaluation of quality.
TNO participates in many EU programmes like BRITE/EURAM, ESPRIT, JOULE, FAIR, Environment, COST, and EUREKA. Within the core area Environment and Geosciences, research is focussed among others on innovation of building and construction. The central goal of the department of Indoor Environment, Building Physics and Systems is to enhance the utility value of buildings by optimisation of sustainability, health and comfort. The department has a wide experience in indoor environment auditing and has worked for many years in the indoor environment- and energy conservation field. Many highly trained and experienced personnel are available.
Key persons
Dr.Philomena M. Bluyssenspecialises and is experienced in general indoor environment quality measurement techniques. She carried out her Ph.D. studies at the Technical University of Denmark. Since 1991 she is employed at TNO, Department of Indoor Environment, Building Physics and Systems. She is a member of ISIAQ, CIB and ASHRAE. She has published more than 100 papers. Dr. Bluyssen was the co-ordinator of the "European audit project to optimize indoor air quality and energy consumption in office buildings" project (JOU-CT92-0022) and the AIRLESS project (JOR3-CT97-0171), and partner in the "European Database on Indoor Air Pollutants" project (JOU-CT93-0343), project EPIQR (JOR3-CT96-0044), project MATHIS (JOR3-CT97-0194) and project TOBUS (JOR3-CT98-0235). Dr. Bluyssen acquired an MBA in 1998.
Ir. C.Cox
is a building engineer, who has 20 years experience in applied research on indoor environment.
Main topics are research an development and consultancy with regard to:
- Evaluation of building performance, especially Air Quality and Thermal Comfort, including development of tools.
- Evaluation of the indoor environment;
- Evaluation of HVAC systems.
Christian Cox has been contributing to research projects like the IAQ Audit project, Airless and TOBUS. Furthermore he has been involved in national projects on indoor environment in buildings and evaluation of the functioning of HVAC systems. He has been a member of CEN/TC 156/WG 6 and WG 8 Ventilation for buildings. He is chairman of the Dutch mirror group on standards for the indoor climate. He has published more than 40 papers.