Partners |
UM (University of Milan)
Expertise and experience
The Department of Occupational Health "Clinica del Lavoro Luigi Devoto" of the University of Milan is the oldest institution in the world specifically dedicated to occupational health. The Department comprises several units, of which the Environmental Toxicology Unit will be involved in this project. This Unit has wide experience in indoor air quality and has worked for many years in this field. Many highly trained and experienced personnel are available.
Among recent EU projects related to this application are the following:
- EXPOLIS: Air Pollution Exposure Distributions of Adult Urban Populations in Europe
- EDBIAPS: European Database on Indoor Air Pollution Sources in Buildings
- Risk in cleaning: Risk evaluation, including chemical exposure, of cleaning activities
The proposed research project is consistent with the experience and the ongoing research work at the Department.
Key persons
Prof. Marco Maroni, MD, full-time Professor of Occupational Health and co-ordinator of the Environmental Toxicology Unit of the Department of Occupational Health at the University of Milan, and Director of the International Centre For Pesticide Safety. He is past president of ISIAQ and member of several scientific societies. He has published more than 200 papers. He was partner in the "EXPOLIS Project", in the "European Database on Indoor Air Pollutants" project and in the "Risk in cleaning" project.
Paolo Carrer, Ph.D in Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene, Medical Doctor at the Department of Occupational Health "Clinica del Lavoro Luigi Devoto" of the ICP Hospital and University of Milan. Since 1990 he has been deeply involved in several research projects on indoor air quality and related health effects. He has worked in the following projects: "Study on indoor air quality in school and office buildings", supported by the National Research Council of Italy (1991-1992); "Study on indoor air quality in municipal office buildings", supported by the Milan municipality (1992-1994); "Air quality in Milan and its impact on human health", supported by the Lombardy for Environment Fundation (Italy) (1993-1996); "EXPOLIS study: Air pollution exposure distributions within adult urban population in Europe", supported by the European Union (1994-1998).